C and M’s Casper Of Mistwood

C and M’s Casper Of Mistwood


Breed: Maltese
Color: White/Black Points Sex: Male

C and M’s Casper of Mistwood

Call Name: Cass

Sire:Ch. Shaw’s C and M’s Yankee Amee Ch. Shaw’s Crumpet Amee Ch. Shaw’s Tattoo Arnee Ch. DeTettrault’s Mr. Victor
Shaws Natasha Anouk Amee
Ch. Shaw’s Cris-Mars Karina Arnee Ch. DeTettrault’s Mr. Victor
Cris-Mar’s Tickle My Fanci
Shaw’s Double Yum Amee Ch. C& M’s Tootsey Bubble Yum Ch. C and M’s Tootsey Woosey
Ch. C and M’s Marshmallow Angel
Ch. Shaw’s Sabrina Arnee Ch. Mike-Mar’s Jackpot
Shaw’s Foxy Lady Anouk Amee
Dam:Mistwood’s Willow of C and M Ch. Mistwood’s Peter Pan Ch. C & M’s Tootsey’s Bubble Yum Ch. C and M’s Tootsey Woosey
Ch. C and M’s Marshmallow Angel
C & M’s Desert Rose Ch. C and M’s Valentino of Midhill
C and M’s Fantasy Island
C and M’s Tropicana Twister Ch. Dekir’s Chips Anoy Ch. Shaw’s C and M’s Crumpet Amee
Ch. Dekir Tootsey’s Grand Finale
C & M’s Merry Mint of Ja-Ma Ch. C and M’s Pegusus of Wesglyn
Heidie of Twin Pine
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